[FFXIV] Progress After 60

My weapon upgrade.  Pretty massive jump!

My weapon upgrade. Pretty massive jump!

I’ve seen people around that are already level 60 on multiple jobs and who have been doing hunts all over the place and thus are already in full i180 gear with Hive (i190) weapons and part of me goes “Holy Hannah!  I’m so far behind!”  Except, I started the game “a year late” and still managed to have nearly all the jobs to 50 before the expansion without even really trying, and all the 50’s were fairly decently outfitted too, so why am I worried about how much other people play anyway?

My new weapon's appearance

My new weapon’s appearance

I’ve decided that the game is a marathon, not a sprint, and quite frankly, even doing a daily login for 2 dungeons and the daily hunt bills for seals has been kinda hard to swing a lot of the time, so it’s a marathon where I don’t even necessarily log in each day.  I’ve been doing the 2 dungeons that award the Tome Bonus in the Duty Finder per day plus the daily hunt bills, and have still managed to get my average gear level to i160 with just getting the Law Tome weapon and accessories so far — I haven’t even started in on the armor yet.  And I counted it up — it’ll only take 18 days of doing this to have “everything,” with a few Law Tomes left ove on day 18, though getting enough of the hunt seals to upgrade everything to i180 from i170 will take a bit longer.

Hanging out in Idyllshire

Hanging out in Idyllshire

On the other hand, since I’m working up Summoner as my next job to eventually get to 60 and it shares gear with the BLM, I’ll be able to be “working ahead” on the jobs, as it were.  Since SMN also levels SCH, I’ll go with the healing set next, then branch into tanking and then I’ll have all the roles covered in a few months.  Hey, I used to play Eve — I’m used to having a single skill take 2 months to train and only give a 5% bonus, so even this “marathon not sprint” schedule still feels reasonably quick to me.  The Summoner’s a little over halfway through 51 now and has only been doing the daily hunts (as much as possible — can kill up to level 57 so far, but some of the marks are 58 and 59), so it’s not super fast, but it feels reasonable for minimal effort.

I loved the look of her outfit, so she got a screenie

I loved the look of her outfit, so she got a screenie

I’ve also decided to unclog my bags from all the extra low-level gear by working up the last 2 jobs that I have below 30, so I’ve got Rogue to 20 now and Pugilist to 22 and they’ll both be 30 soon enough.  I also have run enough dungeons with the Astrologian to get it to 35 now, so it’s coming along nicely too.  Beond that, I’ve taken screenies of the standard and alternate “weapon drawn” poses so I’ll be posting them below.  And while I took some shots that are spoilers, I decided not to include them in this post, so… feel free to scroll all the way through!

Happy Gaming out there!

Tooling around the Sea of Clouds

Tooling around the Sea of Clouds

Here's a fun island in the SoC

Here’s a fun island in the SoC

I ran into Bel looking all cute, so he got a screenie too

I ran into Bel looking all cute, so he got a screenie too

I didn't remember the Crystal Tower being so lit up at night

I didn’t remember the Crystal Tower being so lit up at night

I love flying on dragonback!

I love flying on dragonback!

Got my Storm Private's outfit going on for the 2 lowbie jobs

Got my Storm Private’s outfit going on for the 2 lowbie jobs

I liked how this shot turned out

I liked how this shot turned out

Tooling around Azys Lla

Tooling around Azys Lla

During the level 35 AST quest.

During the level 35 AST quest.

The DRK's "Unleash" skill

The DRK’s “Unleash” skill

MCN Standard

MCN Standard

MCN Alternate

MCN Alternate

SMN/SCH Standard

SMN/SCH Standard

SMN/SCH Alternate

SMN/SCH Alternate

WHM Standard

WHM Standard

WHM Alternate

WHM Alternate

AST Standard

AST Standard

AST Alternate

AST Alternate

BRD Standard

BRD Standard

BRD Alternate

BRD Alternate

PLD Standard

PLD Standard

PLD Alternate

PLD Alternate

WAR Standard

WAR Standard

WAR Alternate

WAR Alternate

DRG Standard

DRG Standard

DRG Alternate

DRG Alternate

MNK Standard

MNK Standard

MNK Alternate

MNK Alternate

NIN Standard

NIN Standard

NIN Alternate

NIN Alternate

My character looks so determined.  Wonder why. . . .

My character looks so determined. Wonder why. . . .

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment

Final Story Dungeon environment


Posted on July 6, 2015, in Final Fantasy XIV, MMO and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Four hours after the Alexander raid was released yesterday, there were Party Finder groups looking for more with the caveat that players “Must know fights!” I agree with the marathon philosophically but am condemned, psychologically, to sprinting in pursuit of higher numbers as if the world were on fire. Leveling alternate jobs would simply turn my black hole into a galactic vortex – what I mean to say is that I admire you and your existential stance greatly and if I thought I had any hope of adhering to it I might one day aspire to regain my gaming sanity. Alas, you are far better at this enjoyment thing than I am. I did enjoy the pictures, though! (Needs more catgirl.)

    • in re: catgirl — I post those when my daughter takes decent screenshots instead of odd angles of walls and such, but I odn’t really play her character anymore so I can’t take decent ones myself on it.

      as to the jobs… eh, I get to Alexander eventually, but like you saaid — I’m just enjoying myself. I don’t feel any need to have all BiS gear the second it’s available. Besides which, if I sprint on everything now and burn myself out, then where will I be in a month or 2?

  2. Grats on 60 and such! I feel so far behind, and now I’m about to go on a ten day without gaming vacation and will feel even farther behind, lol. I’m not even level 30 yet on my first class! But, your comment regarding EVE rang true, and made me feel better about being “so far behind”. Can’t wait to read more on your adventures! 🙂

    • Take your time and enjoy the story and the world. I’m still having a blast on the daily roulettes that I’ve been doing for the Tome gear — I didn’t used to do the high level roulettes much before HW, so while I’d done them all once to unlock the roulette, well.. let’s just say I’m seeing “new dungeons” all over again since I never did them again and it’s been quite a while. It’s been very fun!

      Since even going “slow” only doesn’t even need 3 weeks to do a full gear set to i170 (and mostly to i180), there’s really no need to worry about being “behind” becuz it really doesn’t take long to be “caught up” either.

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